Kevin Wacknov's Insights Notes

The way physics defines various types of waves describes my experiences of thinking and feeling as well.

Waves and Flows in the BodyMind
movement type detail
leg, arm, torso, neck transverse wave, rotation wave  
tai chi movement tension wave muscles tense, relax to transmit movement joint to joint
peristalsis tension wave  
bolus, chyme, feces flow  

flow, momentum

related to "p = 2pi/wavelength" ?
hormones flow  
nerve impulse wave the ions circulate
heartbeat wave the nerve conduction is a wave, the muscle contracts rhythmically
heartbeat experience pulsing energy related to "E = h-bar x frequency" ?
diaphram standing wave  
breathing experience longitudinal + transverse wave packet  
meditation, learning, posture correction

wave packet (pulsing energy -> unconscious wave -> transverse wave -> longitudinal wave -> unconscious wave)

the transverse wave is a 'flinch', the longitudinal wave is the 'thought', the unconscious wave is the 'stopping of thinking'
decision, worldview, reality psi, probability density wave what you choose to observe becomes a particular feature of your world
term definition example
flow particle B moves past particle A and doesn't return wind
wave particle A moves particle B and then they return to their original positions sound
longitudinal wave particle movement is in direction of wave sound
transverse wave particle movement is perpendicular to direction of wave light
water wave particles move in clockwise circles (if wave moves L to R) ocean wave
Rayleigh wave particles on surface circle in counterclockwise direction (if wave moves L to R), while particles deeper down circle clockwise some seismic waves
rotation wave twist is transmitted longitudinally twisting of the feet transmitted to the hands
tension wave tension (then relaxation) travels longitudinally peristalsis
pulsing energy a repeated pulse felt in a location heartbeat
standing wave a wave which repeats in place diaphram
probability density wave a location probability for a particle location of an electron in an atom
wave packet a sum of waves which has a definite beginning and ending photon
unconscious wave, dark wave movement whose particulars we're not aware of (but we may know is happening) until we see an effect between listening and responding


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